Ozark Dale County Library Donate 

Employment Opportunities

Non-Discrimination Policy

 It is the policy of the Library Board of the Ozark Dale County Library, Inc. that the recruiting, employing, promotion, remuneration, and all personnel administrative practices of the Library shall be conducted without regard to race, religion, creed, color, age, sex, or mental or physical handicap.  All persons will be considered based on their knowledge and skills and their ability to perform the tasks associated with the job.  There will be no exceptions.  The Library strives to meet the standards of the American Disabilities Act and the Civil Right Act.

No Positions Available


Although we are not hiring, we accept and keep applications on file for 6 months.

Not Currently Available

Library Job Application

Please click the above link to view and print our job application. Completed applications, with resumes, can be dropped off at the Library or emailed to olibrary@troycable.net.